California Legislature Officially Recognizes Animation Industry For Contributions To State of California

California Legislature Officially Recognizes Animation Industry For Contributions To State of California

For the first time in history, the California Legislature has officially recognized the animation industry for its incredible contributions to the state of California through Assembly Concurrent Resolution 227. Introduced by Assembly member Greg Wallis (R-CA), this groundbreaking resolution highlights the enormous impact animation has had and continues to have on the Golden State. It passed both houses earlier this month with strong bipartisan support—a testament to the importance of our work.

This monumental achievement wouldn’t have been possible without the passion and dedication of our community members, who have made animation what it is today.

ACR 227 not only calls out the cultural and financial impact animation has on California, it also recognizes the importance of supporting creatives in the field and future generations trying to make their mark in the industry.

“[T]he Legislature recognizes the importance of California’s artists and their contributions to society and the state’s economy,” the text of ACR says.

“There are reports of the next generation of artists dropping out of art programs, art apprenticeships being discontinued, and art jobs being eliminated; and WHEREAS, It is crucial, now more than ever, to support Californians in the art and entertainment industry,” it continued.

The resolution also recognizes WIA for our continued efforts to close the gender gap in animation. As we celebrate this historic moment, we also honor the contributions of women and nonbinary people who are essential to the future of animation. Too often, these talented people are unrecognized or underrecognized, yet their work is fundamental to the vibrancy and success of our field.

Together, we are shaping an industry that is more inclusive, equitable, and representative of the diverse voices that make animation such a powerful force in storytelling and culture. Let’s continue to push for progress and celebrate our community’s incredible achievements.

Read the entirety of California Assembly Concurrent Resolution 227

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