How can I get involved?
Glad you asked. There are many ways to get involved!  You can:

Does WIA have virtual communities I can be involved in? 
Yes! WIA has two virtual community spaces for our members: LinkedIn and Discord. 

Our WIA Community Group is available to anyone who has a LinkedIn profile. 
Our WIA Global Discord is available to members only! Here are steps on how to join: 

  • If you haven’t already, join WIA and become a member; access is granted by signing the pledge (free) or by levels!
  • Sign into your account
  • Open the drop-down menu under “Membership” and select “WIA Discord“. This option will not appear if you haven’t verified your email address. 
  • Select the join button for the WIA Discord. This invite is for members only. Please don’t share it externally.

How can I work for WIA?
We list open positions on our jobs page here.

How can I volunteer with WIA?
No matter where you are, you can take action by raising funds or awareness. Here are ideas to get you started, but feel free to create your opportunity based on your interests and activities!

Volunteer with a WIA community.

As a WIA member, you can also join volunteer teams. WIA Global and WIA Community leads will send out requests for volunteers throughout the year so make sure to subscribe to our Digest.

I’m a higher education student. How can I get involved on campus?
You can join a WIA Collective on your campus. If one doesn’t already exist, you can start one! For more information, visit our Communities page here.

I’m under 18, but love animation and want to get involved. Is that possible?
Yes! Anyone who supports WIA’s mission of true gender equity within the animation industry is welcomed at WIA as a member.  Although most of our programs are aimed at emerging and established creative professionals, WIA provides a variety of accessible programs, initiatives, and events for all participants.


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