Mentorship > Upgrading Your Membership FAQS


In order to be eligible for the WIA Mentorship Program you must be an active member at the Creator Level or higher.  If you are currently an active member at a level below that, you can upgrade your membership in order to become eligible.

To upgrade your membership please follow the instructions below:

  1. Use the account navigation menu in your Account Portal to go to Membership > My WIA Membership.
  2. Next to your active membership account, click ‘View.’
  3. Click ‘Change Membership Level’ on your account details page.
  4. Select the option for Creator or higher on the upgrade page.
  5. Select your duration period (recurring or one year)
  6. Click ‘Sign Up Now.’ 
  7. Click ‘View Cart’ and proceed through the checkout process to make your payment and finalize your upgrade. 

Please ONLY use the procedure shown on this page to upgrade your existing membership.  If you don’t use the upgrade process, and instead simply purchase another membership at a different level, that will create two active memberships for you in the system, and one would need to be cancelled, which could delete all your existing member data from your original account.

If you have questions about or issues, please contact our staff by Submitting A Support Ticket

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